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Untitled Document

37th Art Prize of the Cultural Foundation of the Karlsruhe Savings Bank

From the 306 artworks submitted this year for the Art Prize organized by the Cultural Foundation of the Karlsruhe Savings Bank, the jury retained Filiberto’s painting titled “TECH-QUILA” as one of the 67 best works selected for the exhibition, which is themed “Digital to painting. Dialogue between the media“, and will take place from the 27th of March to the 16th of April 2014 at the customer centre of the Karlsruhe Savings Bank.
Karlsruhe Savings Bank

Kaiserstraße 223,

76133 Karlsruhe – Germany

Phone: +49 (0)721 146-0
E-mail: stiftungen@spk-karlsruhe-ettlingen.de
Web: www.sparkassenstiftungen-ka.de
Opening Hours:
Monday, Thursday : 08h30 – 18h00
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 08h30 – 16h00

©Filiberto Montesinos_Tech-Quila_100 x 160 cm_2011_oil and sand on canvas