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Untitled Document

“ANIMALS”, GLOBAL ART, Tongeren – Belgium

Filiberto will participate from the 6th to the 28th of April 2019 included to the exposition themed


organised by GLOBAL ART in its gallery of Tongeren in Belgium

Sans titre3 copia 2
Opening Hours:
Sat. : 14:00-17:00
Sun. & Thurs.: 10:00-12:00
April 7 : 10:00-12:00 & 14:00-17:00
Closed on Easter Sunday
Sans titre3 copia 2
Maastrichterstr. 40,
3700 Tongeren
Sans titre3 copia 2
Phone: +32 (0)12 39 18 67
Cell : +32 (0)496 65 69 67
E-mail: globalart@telenet.be
Web: www.globalart.be
