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Untitled Document

Cultural Centre “De Velinx”, Tongeren, Belgium

The city of Tongeren and “de VELINX” cordially invite you to the opening of the Global Art exhibition on Saturday, the 5th of October 2013 at 19h00.

In the exhibition gallery and T-Room of  “de VELINX”, members of Global Art will be showing figurative to photo-realistic artworks,  as well as light abstract art.  The exhibition will be inaugurated by Global Art President, Mrs Marijke Cloes

Please be so kind to confirm your participation to the opening by no later than the 29th of September. This can be done by E-mail sent to globalart@telenet.be, or calling to +32 12 39 18 67 or +32 496 65 69 67.  The entrance to the exhibition is free to visitors from the 6th of October until the 10th of November 2013.

Opening hours:
Monday & Wednesday : from 9h00 to Noon and from 13h00 to 17h00,
Tuesday:                         from 9h00 to Noon and from 13h00 to 19h00,
Thursday:                       from 9h00 to Noon and from 13h00 to 18h30,
Friday:                            from 9h00 to Noon
Saturday:                       from 14h00 to 18h00.
De VELINX will be closed on the 1st & 2nd of November 2013.